The Story

Welcome to The Joy Journey Life!
I believe in living life as a Joy Journey.
We are put on this earth for such a relatively short time.
Why shouldn’t we make the most of it while we are here?
About ten years ago, I finally came to the realization that I was in charge of my own happiness in life - took me long enough! Well, I probably knew that already. But at the time, it really felt like a lightbulb went on.
I realized I needed to find joy in the middle of everything, anything, in the middle of my life, and in even in the middle of my own name. Yes, my middle name really is JOY. Sort of like Dorothy from the Wizard of OZ,
I realized I had the answer within me all along.
I began to write my philosophy down and that became the soon to be released book The Joy Journey.
From there, the idea to bring tangible forms of joy to people, as well as celebrate the creativity and passion of the entrepreneur behind all things Joy turned into the shop.
Everything on this site brings joy to me. I hope you will find something that brings a smile to your face, or that you could imagine giving to someone you love and perhaps put a smile on their face too.
Join me on this journey.
- Shelby JOY Scarbrough